Tuesday, October 10, 2006

How to Have a Healthy Self ESteem

There are many circumstances in our lives that can lower our self-esteem. We can loose our jobs, fight with somebody, or no achieve a goal. However, we have to be aware that even if your self-esteem gets low because of an event, it does not mean that you lost your self-esteem.

Having a healthy self-esteem means that you know that once in a while you are going to go through difficult times. If you are willing to accept this events, learn from them and move on , you will be able to build a healthy self-esteem.

Whenever I go through a difficult time I always try to remember good times in the past. I also keep saying to myself ” hang in there, this shall pass too”. But the most important thing that I do is doing something to feel good about myself. Instead of sitting at home complaining for example, I go out, exercise, and take a walk, read something. I understand that this is an event and have nothing to do with my self-worth. It does not matter how bad is the situation I am going through, how bad do I look to others, how bad do I feel about it, I can learn to keep a healthy self-esteem instead of loosing it through self-pity and victimization.

Doing small things each day to feel good about yourself will help you to have a healthy self-esteem. Doing small things when you are going through a difficult situation will help you to have a healthy self-esteem and overcome your difficulties more easily.

"To establish true self-esteem we must concentrate on our successes and forget about the failures and the negatives in our lives". ~ Denis Waitley


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