Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Meditation is a great tool we can use to improve our self-esteem. It is a great way to be with ourselves. In order to have a healthy self-esteem, we have to allow ourselves to spend time with us. One of the ways to do this is through the practice of meditation.

Dr. Borysenko says: "Meditation may lead to a breakdown of screen memories so that early childhood abuse episodes and other traumas suddenly flood the mind, making the patient temporarily more anxious until these traumas are healed. Many so-called meditation exercises are actually forms of imagery and visualization that are extraordinarily useful in healing old traumas, confronting death anxieties, finishing 'old business', learning to forgive, and enhancing self-esteem."

There are many types of meditations we can practice. I personally started with mindfulness, and then I used hoponopono. I am actually practicing the called So Ham meditation that is recommended by Deepak Chopra in his book
Journey to the Boundless: Exploring the Intimate Connection Between Your Mind, Body and Spirit

I do not think that there is a meditation technique that is better than the other; any meditation will help us to be in contact with ourselves.

"We are so addicted to looking outside ourselves,
that we have lost access to our inner being almost completely.
We are terrified to look inward, because our culture has given us no idea of what to find.
We may even think that if we meditate, we will be in danger of madness.
This is one of the last and most resourceful ploys of the ego
to prevent us from discovering our real nature.
So, we make our lives so hectic that we eliminate the slightest risk of looking into ourselves...
In a world dedicated to distraction, silence and stillness terrify us." Sogyal Rinpoche's book
The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying .


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