Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Creativity :: Icebreaker: Animals

Icebreakers are little exercises that help relax tension and loosen up a formal atmosphere in a meeting where you want to have creative ideas and group participation. Here is an icebreaker that will test the group's creativity:Everyone needs to stand up. Now, going around the group, each person must say the name of an animal that starts with the next letter of the alphabet (Ant, Bear, Cat, etc). When you reach the end of the alphabet, start again at the beginning, using all new animals. If someone can't think of an animal, or repeats an animal, then they are out and must sit down. Keep going around the circle until only one person is left. You may choose to award a small prize. You may also vary this exercise by picking things other than animals (flowers, foods, movies, names, etc).


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