Thursday, February 02, 2006

Memory :: Random Roadtrip

Memory :: Random Roadtrip
Without constant stimulation from new experiences the brain's strength and agility can decline over time. One way to break your routine is by taking a random roadtrip in your car. Normally, when you are driving from point A to point B, you brain goes on autopilot. A simple way to introduce novelty is to take a different route to your destination. Take some streets that you've never driven down before.Another fun way to change things up is to set out on a trip, but have no destination in mind. Simply turn whenever you feel like turning and go wherever your fancy takes you. This can be a fun family experience if you let each person pick the directions for a period of time.Another way to drive somewhere new is to get out a map, close your eyes, and put your finger down someplace. Now drive there and see what it's like. These new experiences are a great way to stimulate the mind.


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